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The Humble Areca Nut Finds Global Destinations on Indian Trade Portals


Areca nut is the seed of Areca Palm, which grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa. Areca Palm is the source of common chewing nut, commonly referred to as ‘betel nut’, it is often chewed wrapped in betel leaves. Chewing of betel leaves with betel nuts is a popular custom in many Asian and Oceanic countries including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and more. It works as a mild stimulant, when chewed with betel leaf, causing a mild hot sensation in the body and slightly heightened alertness, with varying effect from person to person. It’s rather a drupe, commercially available in dried, cured and fresh forms. Chewing of betel leaf with the nut has a relatively mild effect that could be compared to drinking a cup of coffee.


Chewing the mixture of areca nut wrapped with betel leaf is a tradition, custom, or ritual dates back thousands of years from South Asia to the Pacific. It constitutes an important and popular cultural activity in certain parts of the globe. Although it is not known how and when the nut and the betel leaf were combined together into one psychoactive drug. Archaeological evidence from Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines suggests that they have been used in tandem for four thousand years or more.

In Vietnam, the areca nut and the betel leaf are such important symbols of love and marriage that a Vietnamese phrase "matters of betel and areca” is synonymous with marriage. The tradition of chewing areca nuts starts the talk between the groom’s and bride’s parents about the young couple’s marriage. Therefore the leaves and juices are used ceremonially in Vietnamese weddings. Vietnamese culture and tradition hold betel nut and leaves high esteem.

Chewing of betel leaves with the nuts dates back to the pre-Vedic period. Formerly in India and Sri Lanka, it was a custom of the royalty to chew Areca Nut and betel leaf. Kings had special attendants carrying a box with the ingredients for a good chewing session. It was also a custom to chew areca nut and betel leaf among lovers because of its breath-freshening and relaxant properties. Hence there was a symbolism attached to the chewing of the nut and the leaf. The areca nut represented the male while and betel leaf the female principle. Considered an auspicious ingredient in Hinduism, both are still used in religious ceremonies and also while honoring individuals in most of Southern Asia.


The world production of areca nut sums up to around 6,40,000 tons per annum. India dominates the world production of areca nut with a share of 51% or more of the global production. The country is largest consumer of these nuts too. It is extensively used by large section of people and is very much linked with religious practices too.


With ever growing popularity of chewing of betel leaves with areca nuts, there has been considerable increase in their consumption worldwide. Indian exporters of the nut are making best use of B2B Trade Leads and track International Trade Leadsthere, making way for these nuts to Business Directory and Suppliers Directory in the offshore destinations.

With ratio of consumption in many countries being higher than the production, areca nut is always in high demand in many overseas markets. The importers too find their way to Indian Suppliers and Indian Exporters on Indian Trade Portals.

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