5:02 PM Indian Tea Flavors Spreading Globally Through Business Directory | |
Tea is believed to have originated in India. It is grown in few other parts of Asia too. With a share of approximately 31% in Global Tea Production, India has earned laurels in the global market, with Indian Exporters providing the best teas available, in addition to some value-added products. The country is rated to be the leading producer of the brew, with Indian tea acclaiming world fame for their quality. Global Production and
Consumption The brew is grown and produced in many countries, primarily in the Asian Continent. The major tea producing countries include India, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Vietnam, Turkey, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, and Japan. The global tea production per annum is approximately 2.9 million tons. Global production for the year 2010 stood at 4162.33 million Kg’s. The trade of tea, including exports and import, for the same year, accounted for 1738.41 M. Kg’s. Of this, India had a share of more than 50% at total exports of 813.734 M. Kg’s. It is consumed in various beverage forms such as Lactic Acid Drink, Cola, Juice, Coffee, Black Tea, Green Tea. India Tea Production
and Global Popularity The country’s tea production achieves another milestone, reaching 847.158 million kg, registering approximately 24.3 % rise in output for 2011 as against 813.734 million kg in the year 2010. Tea production in India has achieved considerable growth in production and exports. Riding on the Indian Trade Portals, Indian Suppliers never fail to make the best use of ever-rising tea production in India since decades. A drop of 4.3% in production was registered during the year 2004 on the back of change in weather conditions, discouraging growth of production and causing total Tea Production of India declining to 820.200 tones. Teas from India have earned world fame for their exquisite flavor too. The principal among them is Darjeeling Tea, considered the premium quality of all, owing to its flavor and delicacy. Darjeeling Tea is closely followed by a variety of teas that have gained global popularity for their unparallel blend and flavor. These are commonly known as Assam Tea, Nigeria Tea, CTC tea, etc. The tea produced in Assam state of India is popular in both domestic as well as international markets. Following Assam Tea is the Nigeria Tea, in the tea basket from Indian Teas, providing a distinguishing but subtle flavor. The CTC Tea gets its name as the tealeaves are crushed and curled, usually with a mechanic process. The CTC Tea is obtained from Assam Tea in India. The product after compressing of the tea leaves turns into small particles. A strongly-flavored tea is thus produced. The CTC teas are used in teabags. Domestic Consumption In addition to being the leading producer of the plants, India is also the highest consumer of the beverage, with approximately 70% of its production going for the domestic consumption. Taking a hint from the popularity and rise of tea drinking in India, many International, and even domestic coffee chains, are now considering coming up with tea boutiques. The ‘tea boutiques’, as they are likely to be called, don’t intend to replicate the existing coffee chains, if so it may sound. On the other hand, the ‘tea bars’ can be a healthier option to popularizing tea drinking as well as giving those an option who fancy a cup of the brew. Indian Suppliers Find International Trade Leads on B2B Trade Portals The surge in production and global demand for exotic Indian teas has opened an opportunity of growth for Indian Exporters and Indian Suppliers. It seems the right time to capitalize on services offered by Indian Trade Portals and gain access to the global destinations. | |
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