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With 12 million units being manufactured annually, India is considered the second largest bicycle manufacturer in the world. According to the latest data, Indian manufacturers produce bicycle and components equaling US $1.2 billion.

As the global bicycle production is around 130 million units, India produces a little over 9% of the world’s bicycles. A tremendous increase in the number of Indian manufacturers and Indian exporters has been seen in the recent past.

Indian bicycle manufacturing and bicycle components industry is well accepted and also widely recognized for its quality standards in the international bicycle market.

With approximately 110 components fitted together, a bicycle takes the shape of a device for travel.  that make it work smoothly. Most of the bicycle parts manufactured in the domestic sector are by the small scale sector.

The large scale units are permitted to manufacture bicycle frames, chains and rims for their captive consumption. There is a significant scope for export of Indian bicycles, bicycle components and bicycle accessories.

According to figures from the Engineering Exports Promotion Council, in 2007-08, Indian exporters and Indian Suppliers for bicycles and components traded reaching a value worth US $ 185.42 million.


Today,  Indian manufacturers of bicycles are providing products with highly-developed technology and infrastructure, meeting global standards and demand.

Some of the products supplied by them are highly sophisticated and a work of engineering advancement.

Indian manufacturers today are not lagging in providing even Aluminum Bicycle, Electric Bicycle, Roadster or Light Weight Exercise Bicycle etc.


With technical advancement, the humble bicycle today experiences major changes in its designing and building. The bicycle components aren’t left apart either. Some components get lighter, while others are more aerodynamic today. On the other hand, the modification or changes are shaping up without abstaining from the strength or functionality of the end product.

The latest discoveries on bicycle Stability, e.g. Cycling Power Meters and Electronic Gear-Shifting may also have references from Computer Stimulations. 

Category: My articles | Added by: info (09.29.2011)
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